Create a silo
Anyone can deploy a silo. The deployment process is permissionless, similar to that of Uniswap. The setup for a new silo is extensive. Find the the structure for new market configuration in ISiloConfig.InitData.
A silo can be created for any two ERC-20 assets. An oracle is not necessary if the price of an asset A is equal to the price of an asset B. Usually, the oracle to denominate the price of an asset A in the price of an asset B should be created. Other setup parameters don't require active development and can be reused from existing markets.
Deploy new market
Use this guide to prepare the local environment and execute the script to deploy a new silo market.
Please refer to the following page for a detailed step-by-step example of setting up custom oracles, hooks, and an interest rate model.
Deploy custom market step by stepLast updated