Sonic Gems
Refer to Sonic's original gem documentation here.
37.50% of the total $S rewards are allocated to Sonic Applications to be distributed back to their users (this is referred to as App Points).
These are distributed as Gems which have a fixed suply of 1,680,000.
Sonic Boom
Sonic has pre-allocated 262,500 gems to Sonic Boom protocols. This includes Silo that received 13,125 gems as an Emerald Tier winner.
Rolling Gems
The remaining 1,417,500 gems are earned by protocols based on their share of total Sonic Points earned by all dApps after factoring in Category and Sonic Nativity.
A protocol's share of final gems in S1 is given by:
Silo has a Gem Score of 4 given its Category Weight of 4 and Sonic Natvity of 1. Although Gem distributions are up to the protocol's discretion, Silo commits to returning 100% of Gems back to Silo Sonic users via the Silo Points program.
Last updated